For this stop-motion animation, the theme revolves around the idea of our level of privilege in our lifetime. Levels in life can be achieved with different choices, opportunities, and paths. The first scene of the stop motion will introduce us to a figure browsing through the internet, seemingly looking for a place to move. The figure will remain unnamed because the point of the stop motion is to let the viewer see it from their own perspective; how will it be interpreted? The viewer can be the figure, someone they know, or a fictional character. Later on, the scene will change into a memory, specifically based on my personal memory of my cultural environment. To show simple houses to create the perspective of time because the scene will transition into a building under construction. There is an implied metaphor of Tetris blocks stacking each other; the blocks look like floor plans that modern apartment show on their website. I added the context of the metaphor to make the narrative clearer in which the Tetris blocks represent the floor level of each floorplan of the apartment. At the end of the animation, the figure’s level of privilege is revealed; they can move when they can and live in a modern place with a view of the city. 

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